Monday, July 18, 2016

"Authentic relationships" by Lynne Quinlan

Though it seems a world away now, after doing life with the Navajo people, I see how closely connected we are by our human condition: Disappointment, hardship, longing, joys, and of course sin.  I also know we are not without hope, and am encouraged even now, despite walking alongside the Navajo for the last week, hearing about difficult circumstances, and sharing in grief, sadness, and loss.  The Holy Spirit encouraged me to be an "authentic" Christian, willing to share my own struggles with the Navajo.  I felt freed up to not be a "perfect" Christian, but to allow God to use me however he best saw fit, with warts exposed and all.  

Though I spent time preparing and teaching lessons, coordinating and helping with crafts, helping prepare the Dental Care presentation for the Health Fair, etc., what really seemed to resonate with the Navajo is time spent together in relationship, working silently together on a craft or talking about children, without agendas and busyness.  Those times I spent at meals just listening or playing football with the kids or pushing kids on the swings, or going with Kayla to listen to Christian rap music in her car (even though there were other things to prepare!) - those moments were the most precious and meaningful.  During these times I felt a real sense of being present and being used by God.  Giving up my own agenda was freeing.  

While I taught the older kids about how both Moses and Jesus were sent to save, I believe God used the Navajo to remind me that all my doing can get in the way of authentic relationships.  At one point during the trip, Matthew reminded us of the story of Mary and Martha (or maybe it was during our preparation).  My tendency is to be like Martha.  You may recall that Martha was busy with all the preparations that had to be made for Jesus and the disciples.  She was annoyed with Mary for just sitting and listening at Jesus' feet.  Jesus says in Luke 10:41-42, "Martha, Martha, You are worried and upset about many things, but only one thing is needed.  Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her."  That is my prayer, that I will chose what is better. 

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